AssetWise Director Help

To Configure the List of Media Types for Document Copies

Document copies must carry a media type description to indicate if the particular instance of a document is represented by electronic, hardcopy, or other types of media objects.

  1. Open the System Admin tab (View > System Administration).
  2. Set Global as the default scope.
  3. Click the Maintain List Values icon .
  4. Select Media Type.

    The Media Type tab opens in the Content pane.

    Note: Every community has a default media type called eB Electronic. This is the default media type assigned to all document copies that represent electronic files in the community.
  5. To add a new media type, go to the next available row and do the following:
    1. Click in the Description field and enter a name for the media type.
    2. Click the Save icon at the end of the row.
Tip: If you are adding or modifying multiple media types, you can save all your changes at once using the Save icon in the main toolbar. You can also delete a media type by clicking the Delete icon at the end of the row.